The drugs

Know, beyond all else, all of the folllowing provide a variety of experiences that show you yourself. They do this by taking your attention away from the rubbish in your life and bringing it back to the cause of that rubbish, the solution to it, you.

There are no gods, spirits, forest entities or any other thing dictating and driving the psychedelic experience. Again, to repeat, the experience is showing you yourself. These stories, particularly the spirit of the forest stories and origin folklore of these medicines are some of the most beautifully told stories in the world but they are belief systems, they are not the truth. The medicine experience is about truth, it is about understanding first and foremost that it is you showing you You, that it is you that will open your own life.

These stories come from the absolute basic mechanism of medicine experience, each medicine works on a specific part of the brain. The stories come from the similarities in experience from one participant to the next using the same substance. It’s the area of the brain, the way it processes information that is providing the similarities, this area is dominating your consciousness through the introduction of the associated substance, your conscious experience shows you this.

Gods and entities are great stories that help people to understand the message they are learning if they understand they are simply stories nothing more, more importantly understand this is not what the thing they are seeking is, it’s a tool to help understand what is being sought. Attachment to the experience needing to be something other than you, to be more complicted than the you that you are, brings roadblocks and deadends.


Can be smoked, eaten, applied to the skin, probably administered via the anus, many other ways and comes in many forms.

Two to three hours, introduces some of the changing states in the body, helps to prepare and build a foundation for the more aggressive psychedelic pathways. A small percentage of users describe experiencing psychedelic outcomes.

Psychedelic outcomes – hallucinations, significant changes in bodily sensations.

The primary purpose of the changing body energies is to bring attention to the body, learn to understand that what is happening within the body is a significant driving force on what is projected/expressed to the world. Begin to learn to be with these feelings, break the pattern of reaction they create, bring safety to your world.

Sensations, feelings, emotions, energies, and many other words all mean the same thing, use whichever version makes sense to you.

Psilocybin – Magic mushrooms

Generally administered orally. There are discussions about smoking it but from a science perspective it doesn’t make sense as psilocybin breaks down at high heat, smoking seems a waste.

Five to eight hours.

Low doses – similar to cannabis with more focussed changes in bodily feeling, generally no psychedelic outcomes.

Medium to high doses – expectation of significant changes in body feelings, may experience hallucinations, may experience dissolving of your being, many other psychedelic options.

Beautiful tool freely available to everyone, there will be a mushroom picking season near you. Magic mushrooms are simple to identify and have telltale signs that make it near fool proof to pick the wrong ones. They are also simple to grow year round, with spores easily obtainable from websites such as Etsy.

Fool proof, provided they are picked with attention. There are no bad mushrooms, mother nature does not do this, there are only bad pickers. Pick in attention, make sure every mushroom is the right one.

Attention – the primary tool learnt through the psychedelic relationship. Attention comes naturally with the clearning of blockages, prides, ego etcetera.


Administered orally.

Four to eight hours. Similar to psilocybin with the exception at higher doses the experience can be the most challenging of all human experience.

Ayahuasca itself is not psychoactive, Ayahuasca herself is not in the medicine. Ayahuasca is a plant called an inhibitor, this means that it blocks something. The something in this case is the enzyme in the stomach which breaks down the structure of the DMT. When DMT is broken down it is useless therefore the full structure needs to be taken into the blood stream to go to the brain. Ayahuasca’s role is to allow this.

Ayahuasca alone is used in some healing spaces as a purge, significant purge, it is both more gentle and difficult than other purging tools such as Kambo. The purge is a difficult and beautiful process that can be expected at some stage with most psychedelics, it breaks open muscles and tension areas, releases toxins and may show us that the trauma we are dealing with isn’t just opne big bit of stuck, instead it may be multiple things contributing to a larger scale learning. Purging can come in any form, traditionally vomitting, diarrhoea, yawning, heavy tiredness.

The active DMT ingredient in Ayahuasca is from another plant, the one I use mostly is chakruna. The chakruna is what provides the psychedelic journey.

In Australia the Acacia Maidenii is a good form of DMT. It is relatively simple to recognise and the DMT is a simple process to extract using simple everyday tools and resources that can be bought from the local hardware store for cheap.

The difficulty in Australia is the inhibitor, there are only a few known native candidates at this point.

DMT can be smoked without the inhibitor, pure DMT the experience lasts 10 to 20 minutes, changa can last 30 to 40 minutes. Changa is pure DMT mixed with other plants which help elongate the experience, no special plants are required. Note the pure DMT experience is the most challenging journey one is likely to face.

The point of the challenge in all these experiences is to show you that your capacity to feel and to be yourself through adversity is significantly higher than you think it is, than you believe. It prepares you to open your life back up to yourself, to realise and live in the knowing that this creature/animal/vessel/shell/machine is everything there needs to be, there is nothing more phenomenal and beautiful than it and it’s beauty and freedom is available to every person without needing anything, no requirement for belief/thinking/guessing/god/heaven/hell.


Administered orally, anal administration likely very effective too.

10 to 12 hour experience.

LSD can be a very difficult experience, particularly due to its longevity, at higher doses it closely resembles the DMT based experience while lasting almost twice as long.

It can be difficulty to source good quality LSD, use caution, ask questions, try it yourself at a high dose before supplying to others.

In fact every medicine from a new source should be taken by the purchaser/facilitator prior to supplying to others. This is safety and just general good medicine provider practice.


Generally administered via the nasal.

One to two hours experience.

Challenges your capacities to love yourself, builds into compassion gently and can beautifully used to see behind significant trauma, PTSD, depression.

The mechanism in Ketamine is simple, one it blocks pain receptors and two it shows you what compassion means, brings it into your life and shows you the beauty in it through the application of firstly seeing yourself with compassion.

Blocking the pain receptors we learn a simplicity, when there is no pain/suffering/negative energies in my body I can now see, talk about, express the unexpressed, surpressed and repressed. We understand beyond doubt that every one of these things, including all anxieties and depressions, are a physical manifestation, we learn to understand the physical manifestation in our bodies is dictating the narrative in our head. The learning comes in the healing, the healing is the expression and taking responsibility of the problem. The learning extending to understanding listening is the tool to understanding the problem, always looking for solutions get in the way.

Ketamine can be addictive, very much so, participants with addictive personalities should exercise extreme caution. The understanding of the habit forming properties is clear in the experience.

Somewhat easy to obtain, particularly if you can access horse tranquiliser. Very gently simmer the tranquiliser until only crystals remain, and hey presto professional laboratory quality ketamine fully approved for animal use.


Oral administration.

Two to three hours, thereabouts.

Another of the addictive medicines. Addictive properties lie in the experience of oneness and unity, love of all there is, the overall teaching and tool of healing. This understanding of my brothers and sisters are my brothers and sisters, that every human is such, that underneath all of my discriminations and judgements peace and togetherness exist, this we learn is what love truly is.

MDMA helps us understand there is no violence in love, no jealousy, attachment, clinging on, fear, control. It shows us the thing we call love now is the direct opposite to what love is, it shows that to really love I must not hate, and I must not judge or discriminate, there is no seperation in love. The learning extends to all there is, was and ever will be, but we start with uniting with and loving ourself, keep it simple, then extend.

Sourcing good quality MDMA is a concern, only crystal or liquid forms are recommended. Ecstacy tablets are not reliable, these things too often come with negartive outcomes because of the disgusting rubbish added to bulk up the pill in many cases.

Iboga / Ibogaine

Orally administered.

12 to 24 hours, caveat that it can last for up to 36 hours with a day or two recovery period. Three days minimum needs to be assigned to experience Iboga.

An extremely difficult experience physically and mentally, participants can expect uncomfortableness, nausea and a rocket-fuelled racing mind in the initial sessions. Moving the pinky finger can bring on the continuous terribly painful nausea.

The nausea in iboga is not purging, it is dry retching for hours and hours, it can be terribly painful and will not stop until you are completely still, when you stop trying to fight it. Once you relax, stop completely, be still the nausea generally ends, calmness comes through and the experience can become very enjoyable. The teaching is simple be still, listen, pay attention, and find stillness in your life. Stillness brings calm, contentment, a settled brain, the beauty of you can start to present itself to you.

Iboga is extremely difficult until the basic lesson of stillness is learnt, from there it becomes a beautiful tool that delivers its message and learning simply. The messages are simple as it is like you are talking to yourself, in your own completely fluent language, it’s easily understandable and relatable.

I do not care about free will, destiny, karma, past lives, future lives, spirituality, and the rest of it. I know it doesn’t matter, I know it only separates me from you when it does. I know unity with myself allows me to unite with you, to assist you to unite with you. Oneness is what I am.