Author: thegroundskeeper52_5f2lst

  • Preparation

    Intention is important, knowing why you are participating in psychedelic sessions is the foundation to listening in them. Understand that these experiences can be life changing but can also be the most difficult thing you will ever experience. Every fear you have will be tested, you will have no option…

  • The drugs

    Know, beyond all else, all of the folllowing provide a variety of experiences that show you yourself. They do this by taking your attention away from the rubbish in your life and bringing it back to the cause of that rubbish, the solution to it, you. There are no gods,…

  • Psychedelic Medicine Healing

    Intentional medicine experiences have the ability to unlock blockages, feelings, emotions, sensations, traumas, behaviours and many other words which are interrupting you from seeing and living a content life. Medicine assists to open and see into our behaviours and thought patterns that are limiting; discriminations, judgements, belief systems, relationships, etcetera.…